Football Live Scores | Stats Data of 70+ Competitions
Football Live Scores | Stats Data of 70+ Competitions
Blog Post

La Tamponnaise

2 February 2023
Club Stats
Home Away All
Played 0 1 1
Wins 0 0 0
Draws 0 0 0
Losses 0 1 1
Home Away All
Per Match Total Per Match Total Per Match Total
Goals 0 0 0
Goals Conceded 0 1 1 1 1
Yellow Cards 0 1 1 1 1
Red Cards 0 0 0
Clean Sheets 0 0 0
Corners 0 2 2 2 2
Fouls 0 11 11 11 11
Offsides 0 3 3 3 3
Shots 0 4 4 4 4
Shots on Goal 0 0 0
Latest Matches
Coupe de France
- 12:00 pm
1 0
La Tamponnaise
Etienne Florent Lebon
Etienne Florent Lebon
Position Goalkeeper
Age -
Georges Tony Pétard
Georges Tony Pétard
Position Goalkeeper
Age -
Ludovic Jean Patrick Araboux
Ludovic Jean Patrick Araboux
Position Defender
Age -
Wilson Ulrich Dany
Wilson Ulrich Dany
Position Defender
Age -
Jacques Goho
Jacques Goho
Position Defender
Age -
Christopher Payet
Christopher Payet
Position Defender
Age -
M. Randrianarisoa
M. Randrianarisoa
Position Defender
Age 39
Mathieu Johnny Sarpédon
Mathieu Johnny Sarpédon
Position Defender
Age -
Daryl Xavier Jean Asselin
Daryl Xavier Jean Asselin
Position Midfielder
Age -
Bourahim Jaotombo
Bourahim Jaotombo
Position Midfielder
Age -
Yohan Jeremy Lauret
Yohan Jeremy Lauret
Position Midfielder
Age -
Pascal N'Gongué
Pascal N'Gongué
Position Midfielder
Age -
Ronan Nédélec
Ronan Nédélec
Position Midfielder
Age -
Erwan Christopher Payet
Erwan Christopher Payet
Position Midfielder
Age -
Romam Payet
Romam Payet
Position Midfielder
Age -
Ricardo Sophie
Ricardo Sophie
Position Midfielder
Age -
Kevin Jean-Guillaume Adras
Kevin Jean-Guillaume Adras
Position Forward
Age -
Jean-Michel Fontaine
Jean-Michel Fontaine
Position Forward
Age -
Pape N'Diasse Sarr
Pape N'Diasse Sarr
Position Forward
Age 37
Loïc Rivière
Loïc Rivière
Position Forward
Age -
Player Stats
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