Football Live Scores | Stats Data of 70+ Competitions
Football Live Scores | Stats Data of 70+ Competitions
Blog Post

Stirling University

18 February 2023
Club Stats
Home Away All
Played 0 1 1
Wins 0 0 0
Draws 0 0 0
Losses 0 1 1
Home Away All
Per Match Total Per Match Total Per Match Total
Goals 0 0 0
Goals Conceded 0 3 3 3 3
Yellow Cards 0 2 2 2 2
Red Cards 0 0 0
Clean Sheets 0 0 0
Corners 0 0 0
Fouls 0 0 0
Offsides 0 0 0
Shots 0 0 0
Shots on Goal 0 0 0
Latest Matches
Scottish Cup
- 3:00 pm
Dundee Utd
3 0
Stirling University
Adam Buttigieg
Adam Buttigieg
Position Goalkeeper
Age -
Ben Fry
Ben Fry
Position Goalkeeper
Age -
Yan Gromov Godik
Yan Gromov Godik
Position Goalkeeper
Age -
Isa Aslanoglu
Isa Aslanoglu
Position Defender
Age -
Matthew Burrows
Matthew Burrows
Position Defender
Age -
Marcus Lavery
Marcus Lavery
Position Defender
Age -
Jose Navarro
Jose Navarro
Position Defender
Age -
James Russell
James Russell
Position Defender
Age -
Jake Service
Jake Service
Position Defender
Age -
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson
Position Defender
Age -
Finlay Bainbridge
Finlay Bainbridge
Position Midfielder
Age -
James Berry
James Berry
Position Midfielder
Age -
Lucas De Zoeten
Lucas De Zoeten
Position Midfielder
Age -
Jack Docherty
Jack Docherty
Position Midfielder
Age -
Tomas Gilmour
Tomas Gilmour
Position Midfielder
Age -
Patrick Grooms
Patrick Grooms
Position Midfielder
Age -
Benjamin Atticus William Heal
Benjamin Atticus William Heal
Position Midfielder
Age -
Jason Jarvis
Jason Jarvis
Position Midfielder
Age -
Ciaran McAninch
Ciaran McAninch
Position Midfielder
Age 23
Euan McGill
Euan McGill
Position Midfielder
Age -
Cameron McKinley
Cameron McKinley
Position Midfielder
Age -
Archie Munro
Archie Munro
Position Midfielder
Age -
Daniel Patterson
Daniel Patterson
Position Midfielder
Age -
Calum Rae
Calum Rae
Position Midfielder
Age -
Benjamin Southern
Benjamin Southern
Position Midfielder
Age -
James Stokes
James Stokes
Position Midfielder
Age -
Sebastian Cassar Torregiani
Sebastian Cassar Torregiani
Position Midfielder
Age -
Ben Woloszyn
Ben Woloszyn
Position Midfielder
Age -
Ben Maciver-Redwood
Ben Maciver-Redwood
Position Forward
Age -
Buronbek Mirzasalimov
Buronbek Mirzasalimov
Position Forward
Age -
C. Geddes
C. Geddes
Age 39
Player Stats
No data
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